So, again, the beginning of the week I didn't write much. Very busy with classes and although I'm still working on my Corgi portrait I can't post it. Going slow, but fine.
Also, I've been busy with a "plant" (or so it calls itself that). A couple of years ago my daughter brought home this tiny, sad, little aloe plant from IKEA on sale for about a dollar. I'm not good with plants, but I accepted it and thought it'll die soon. Well, the thing got really giant - arms stretching out in every direction and angle! It sits on this counter between my kitchen and family room, near the kitchen table and it almost seems to be reaching out to anyone sitting near it - not necessarily with bad intent.
It's very interesting looking, and on Monday I thought it would be good to have my home school class draw it. I started to pick it up and it came out of the dirt with the roots exposed - it rested on the counter and there was no way to pick it up. After class I called Aunt Sally for an emergency - what do I do with this plant? - call. She came right over and she said if it were her plant she would chop it all down and stick it back in the ground. I didn't have the heart (ok, and maybe I'm a little afraid of it) - so we re-potted it in four different containers. I called my daughter to tell her and she said "Oh no, that's what it wants! - divide and conquer!" She's convinced it wants to kill me in my sleep. So, no one needs to worry about me tonight. The aloe looks pretty happy in it's four new pots. If I'm not mistaken, though, I think they've gotten bigger already.
Hahaha, I see that you've been safe with how you've phrased things, so the aloe won't be offended if it reads the blog. Definitely don't let it hear Ronnie's suggestion...
Wasn't there a movie about the "Revenge of Aloe"? Pretty gruesome, I still get nightmares. LOL
Yes, well, you won't be laughing if you just never hear from me again and suddenly my yard is landscaped with aloe type plants... I hear there are some that grow this far north!
An aloe farm in your backyard! And just think how the dogs will help it grow even stronger and healthier!
...not if the aloe kills me AND the dogs first.
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